
10 Mistakes Managers Make

Mike Nash
Mike Nash
April 27, 2023
10 Mistakes Managers Make

Becoming an effective manager who takes the servant leadership approach, or puts the well-being of their team front and center, requires maturity, humility, and respect for others. Unfortunately, some managers, whether by misconceptions or bad examples, fall short of these characteristics. Consider this the Cliff Notes version of How Not to Manage 101: 

  1. Playing Favorites: You aren’t in high school anymore. While employees may inevitably create favorable bonds, as the leader you need to treat all of your team equitably.

  2. Micromanaging: Avoid the belief that managing means breathing down employees’ necks. Your team is there because they are capable adults, give them room to shine.

  3. Making Empty Promises: Similarly, managers can fall into the “over promise, under deliver” trap. Don’t try to impress your team with lofty yet unattainable goals or you’ll end up doing the opposite.

  4. Avoiding Confrontation: Unfortunately every day can’t be sunshine and rainbows, and part of signing up for the job is stepping in when necessary. Step-up and solve problems.

  5. Claiming The Team’s Work As Your Own: This is a surefire way to destroy your team’s morale. Unless you’re trying to brew a mutiny, give credit where credit is due.

  6. Making Decisions in Isolation: Cloistering yourself away behind a closed office door not only physically separates you from the team, but also mentally separates them.

  7. Ignoring Feedback: Pull the fingers out of your ears and take a deep breath. If your reports have opinions and ideas, this is a good thing not an indictment of your own work.

  8. Being Inflexible: Taking in the feedback also means being open to it. Remember you’re on this journey together, let go of the “my way of the highway” mentality.

  9. Ignoring Your Own Development: Receiving a management promotion isn’t the end of the line in your career. Maintain your game or you will find yourself left in the dust.

  10. Avoiding Accountability: Hey, we all make mistakes along the way, especially when we’re in a new role. Admitting to your faults shows you’re human and relatable.

The common thread: neglecting your and your team’s well-being. The easiest way to avoid doing any of the above is to prioritize everyone’s mental and physical health. You’re there to work together, and that means making the adjustments necessary to prevent burnout and turnover. Consider what you can do to inspire the team’s best work and productivity.

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