Just in time collaboration

Collaborative Agendas

Trelliswork fosters engaging and efficient meetings via our dynamic Agendas. Anyone in the meeting can add activities and items to your team's sessions. Never worry about forgetting important topics, if you don't get to it this time, it will be there waiting for you next time!

Stay Accountable

Action Items

Sessions often sprout important actions that must be addressed between sessions. It was always easy to forget these incidental items. Now you can track these Action Items in Trelliswork. Assign owners and dates, and receive reports on who owes what.


Team KPIs

Track important milestones, goals, or projects with our KPIs. Monitor any KPI or set of KPIs as a Team Scorecard. Assign Owners and Targets, then review those Scorecards together in your live sessions to stay on top of your key initiatives.

Share your work

Summary Notes

Every Live Session ends with a full Summary Report with your outcomes, notes, and comments. As you run recurring Meetings you will create a historical record of  your work, ready to be shared.

Trelliswork Does it Differently

Trelliswork gives you simple tools to solve human problems to grow your business faster.

Trelliswork gives you simple tools to solve human problems to grow your business faster.


When you need to make sure everyone is able to speak up, use our Speaker Roundtable to call on Random or specific people in the meeting, and "popcorn" around the room to make sure you are hearing everyone. Great for stand-ups and workshops!

My Stuff

A view across all Teams, and Meetings, showing you What's Next and what needs doing. Your home base to be sure you aren't letting anything fall through the cracks.


An "always on" notepad for your eyes only to write down ANYTHING. Use it to track ideas, personal tasks, bugs, notes, or a list of potential puppy names. We aren't here to tell you how to do your job.