Team Operations with Trelliswork

Playbook for Team Managers

At Trelliswork we believe that if more managers focused on these four deceptively simple principles they would be better equipped to handle the stresses of the modern workplace.

Agendas Always

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Culture Takes Work

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Never Skip 1:1s

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Share your Work

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Empower Your Team

Wherever Great Work Happens, It Starts with Principles.


Princple #1 - Agendas Always

Feature one

Agendas Always

With our collaborative agenda tools, you should never be at a loss for things to discuss. We don't believe in "No Agenda, no Meeting" but we do believe in constant capture and just-in-time planning.

Capture it all. Treat your agenda like a backlog of possible things to discuss. Not a sacred space that only the most important items are allowed on.

If you don't get to everything this week, that is fine. You should always be planning next meeting during this meeting.

Make space for new ideas. Spend 2-5 minutes at the start of the meeting to allow for new ideas or urgent topics to be added by the group. Then Triage the correct items to the topic of the list.

agenda feature

Principle #2 - Never Skip 1:1s

Feature two

Never Skip 1:1s

1:1s are not for you. They are for your reports. Use the time to dig in a hear what is REALLY going on with your folks. Studies show that 1:1 time is where you are most likely to get honest answers to the big open ended questions.

Make sure on average you talk much less than your reports. (80/20 is a fine rule of thumb)

Foster a space where your report is driving the agenda as much as you are, and that you are giving time to both of your topics equally.

Person Goal Tracking: use our recurring topics and notes to track discussions of personal goals over time. Making it easy to summarize progress when review time comes.


Principle #3 - Culture Takes Work

Feature three

Culture takes work

Culture doesn't just happen and improving it is like turning an ocean liner. Progress is slow and incremental. It takes dedication and many small wins to see progress.

Make space. Create sanctioned small pieces of your day just for getting to talk to each other as people. Icebreakers, short collaborative games are great starts.

Making sure all voices are lifted up, and heard can quickly change the dynamic of a team. Trelliswork's Roundtable function is a useful here.

Make sure to be clear that this time together isn't a "waste of time". This is learning to relate and work better with each other. (Remote teams especially will need this reminder.)


Principle #4 - Share your Work

Feature four

Show your work

Your team can be doing the best work of their career's but if you are not shouting it from the rooftops nobody is going to know.

Set KPIs and track their growth

Track decisions and outcomes in meetings, share those via regular updates

Remote teams need this even more, your leaders get stressed if they can't see butts in seats. Share your meetings, outcomes, decisions, and KPIs regularly to calm the nerves.

Grow with Us

Manage Meetings, 1:1s, and KPIs for a better Team experience.