
What is Trelliswork?

Mike Nash
Mike Nash
February 2, 2023
What is Trelliswork?

We’ve spent a lot of time here talking about the many different ways to intentionally manage teams. We’ve talked about the shortcoming of general purpose tools when it comes to supporting this level of intentionality. We’ve talked about the cost of not investing in teams, and where to focus the right investment. We even started a podcast.

Today let’s talk about Trelliswork.

The switch to virtual and hybrid work has led to some great things. People gained more control over their work life balance. Specific tools, like those we use for video and chat, got a lot better. Still, there are a lot of things that companies are still trying to figure out. And if you’re a team manager, your job got a lot harder since the switch to hybrid, and never got better.

First let’s make sure we know what a team manager does. This work is not HR, and doesn’t belong in HR tools. It’s not project management, and doesn’t belong there either. It’s the daily work of keeping people and teams aligned, productive, and thriving that makes or breaks companies.

Trelliswork is a tool for team managers to do the work of team management. And in the switch to virtual and hybrid, the place that managers have to do that broad and critical body of work is squeezed down into one place: team meetings and 1:1s.

Trelliswork is a tool for managers to run their teams. We see this as core infrastructure for any productive, resilient, and high performing team. We enable better team meetings and 1:1 as the surface where managers can have the biggest impact with their teams.

Trelliswork provides structure and templates for managers and their teams to better plan their time together, creating a live and collaborative space for meeting agendas to make sure all needs are met and nothing is dropped.

Trelliswork gives teams a platform to run better meetings, keeping them on track, documenting discussions and decisions, and making sure all voices are heard. We make team meetings intentional, so that your critical time together is spent well.

Trelliswork provides continuity and focus between meetings through documentation for discussion topics, decisions, action items, and more, combined with the context of the many different people and teams doing the work, creating a space that reflects the realities of how your organization actually operates.

As our current users know, we’re doing all of this with an intentional focus on key, high value moments and interactions for teams. Today’s Trelliswork begins with:

  • A shared, collaborative meeting planning space
  • Live meetings, with shared agendas, discussion, and action items
  • Action items mapped to people, meetings, and teams
  • Structured meeting documentation
  • Unique space for 1:1s
  • Team culture and operating norms documentation and sharing
  • Cross team visibility across an organization
  • Flexible team definitions, to fit anything from structured org charts to committees and ad-hoc groups
  • Users can create and manage multiple organizations
  • A “What’s Next” view for every user to see and manage all team meetings, action items, and 1:1s they are a part of

And there’s plenty more to come. To get started with Trelliswork, just go to and join our early access community.

Ready to level up your manager game?

Try now with your next team meeting

woman happy on trelliswork